Sophie Visscher-Lubinizki
Sophie is a junior in the Barnard/JTS dual degree program studying Dance, Education, and Modern Jewish Studies. She is the producer of Orchesis and the Mama Project, a co-president of Movement Exchange and choreographing a fall show with CMTS. Sophie also enjoys spending time in Barnard’s Movement lab exploring dance and technology, and working with children at the Mark Morris Dance Center. When she is not involved all things dance (which is rare) she can be found giving tours as a Barnard Student Admissions Rep., working (but mostly socializing) at the TIC, tending to her plantstagram, or showing strangers pictures and videos of her 2 year old nephew (the short film of him saying avocado is a fan favorite).
Sophie has many favorite moments in Orchesis including getting a spirit award her first year and choreographing a piece with Kosta last semester that, at one point, had 80 dancers. To most, this might sound overwhelming, but Sophie will do anything for Orchesis. Sophie inspires all of us to be as involved in the dance community as we possibly can, even if that means we only have time to grocery shop at midnight at Morton Williams like she does!