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Photography credits: Arielle Shternfeld
Our 2019 Board
Space and Activities Coordinator
Zoe Novello is a Barnard junior majoring in Math and Dance and our absolutely beloved space and activities coordinator. Between her involvement in dance department showcases, UnTapped, MaMa Project: Terraform, Movement Exchange, and CoLab, you’ll have a hard time finding Zoe not dancing, wrestling with PBWorks or planning Orchesis master classes and cast parties. In that time, however, Zoe works on campus as a peer tutor and is also directing this year’s MaMa Project themed around love letters and inspired by her work as a camp counselor in Michigan. With a personality as radiant as her tiny sun tattoo, Zoe dreams of soon hiking the Appalachian Trail.
Her favorite moments in Orchesis have been seeing her casts kill it onstage, participating in cuddle puddles before early morning and late night rehearsals, and spending time brainstorming outrageous Orchesis show titles.
Sophie is a junior in the Barnard/JTS dual degree program studying Dance, Education, and Modern Jewish Studies. She is the producer of Orchesis and the Mama Project, a co-president of Movement Exchange and choreographing a fall show with CMTS. Sophie also enjoys spending time in Barnard’s Movement lab exploring dance and technology, and working with children at the Mark Morris Dance Center. When she is not involved all things dance (which is rare) she can be found giving tours as a Barnard Student Admissions Rep., working (but mostly socializing) at the TIC, tending to her plantstagram, or showing strangers pictures and videos of her 2 year old nephew (the short film of him saying avocado is a fan favorite).
Sophie has many favorite moments in Orchesis including getting a spirit award her first year and choreographing a piece with Kosta last semester that, at one point, had 80 dancers. To most, this might sound overwhelming, but Sophie will do anything for Orchesis. Sophie inspires all of us to be as involved in the dance community as we possibly can, even if that means we only have time to grocery shop at midnight at Morton Williams like she does!
Public Relations Chair
Sanjana Marcé is a junior at Columbia College studying Math and Computer Science, and most importantly, a promo queen! As Orchesis Co-PR Chair, Sanjana uses her talents to spread orchy love far and wide at Barnard and Columbia. She even designed the website you’re using right now with our Chair, Gianna Raimo! When Sanjana isn’t trying to get you to come to the next Orchesis event (although, arguably, she never stops), you’ll probably find her choreographing her Orchesis piece, pretending to do work in Milstein in head-to-toe Orchesis gear, or thinking about her cats.
What’s more, Sanjana graced both the 2018 and 2019 MaMa Projects with her presence and incredible dancing. Her favorite Orchesis memories include late night rehearsals with her stunning casts and, in true PR chair fashion, using her collarbone sling as real-estate for Orchesis show flyering.
Costume Coordinator
Olivia Roche is one of our four fabulous costumers! A friendly, thoughtful, and talented Pisces, Olivia is a Senior majoring in Political Science with minors in both Dance and Spanish. When she is not furiously washing and folding Orchesis costumes, Olivia can usually be found in Milstein picking a new topic for her 30 page poli-sci colloquium paper or chatting about her favourite professor. Olivia spends the rest of her time as the treasurer of Movement Exchange and attending chapter meetings for Gamma Phi Beta.
On the weekends, you can catch Olivia death dropping and singing the words to Lip Gloss by Lil Mama, or watching West Wing or Greys Anatomy in her cozy bed. Olivia has been lovingly named the mother of her suite as she is an amazing cook and lovingly takes care of all her suitemates. Olivia’s favourite Orchesis moment has been choreographing a wonderful Jazz piece with a kick line in it, and her cast being so amazing!
Costume Coordinator
Nicole “Yellow Baby” Kohut is a sophomore at Columbia College studying English and Economics. As a costumer on the Orchesis board, Nicole brings to the team a spirited enthusiasm rivaled only by her passion for dance itself. Nicole is an energetic participant of both Orchesis and the MaMa Project, in addition to CU Generation. Outside of dance, she applies her many talents as a contributor to the Columbia Federalist and the Blue and White Magazine, as well as participating in the Columbia Law School Mentorship program.
Also among her incredible skills lies her exceptional ability to hatch a hatchimal in under 10 seconds. Nicole's favorite Orchesis moments so far include learning the meaning behind her Orchesis nickname "Yellow Baby" (coined by Orchesis Chair Gianna Raimo upon seeing her in a yellow shirt) and meeting all her dance friends!
Public Relations Chair
Lauren is a sophomore in Columbia College majoring in Psychology. While psychology is her main course of study, most of her time is spent dancing with the MaMa Project, CU Generation, Orchesis, and Nu Dance. Lauren is also Orchesis’s Co-Chair of Public Relations and encourages you to follow us on Instagram (@columbiaorchesis) and like us on Facebook! She is an incredibly wholesome human who is a volunteer for the Community Lunch Soup Kitchen as well as the Chair of Marketing for the University Life Events Council.
When she isn’t dancing, Lauren maintains the picture of grace and elegance: she can be found falling down stairs and flaunting her collection of fun crew socks with Birkenstocks.
Behold Kat Bartley, treasurer of Orchesis, and self-proclaimed “guardian of bread.” Kat is a senior at Barnard studying Political Science & Ancient Studies. If you can’t find her grinding in Diana or bopping with Onyx, she is working as a Peer Career Advisor at Beyond Barnard. That’s right, this woman can wip up a MEAN cover letter in two shakes of a lamb’s tail, and she is more than willing to help any friend in need. When Kat is not dancing, planning the futures of her clueless friends, or writing Orchesis grants, she is most likely playing Sims (very masterfully) and/or utilizing her flexible hips to “spider walk” around the room.
Kat’s favorite Orchesis moments include receiving a box set of 50 Shades of Grey and a t-shirt that says “‘That’s what’ -She” from her cast. In short, Kat is the female, less offensive, incarnate of Michael Scott and we ~treasure~ her deeply.
Gianna Raimo is the Chair of Orchesis, yet despite her title, you will never find her sitting still. She’s a bold, beautiful, and busy Barnard junior majoring in Economics & English and (potentially) minoring in dance. When she’s not planning board meetings with E-Board or designing this website with PR Chair Sanjana Marcé, you can find Gianna explaining the Barnumbia relationship to confused dads on campus tours or educating the youth as the Scholarship Director for her sorority Kappa Alpha Theta.
Gianna has loved performing at Columbia for the past four semesters through Orchesis, the 2018-2019 MaMa Project, and the Barnard Dance Department. In her free time, Gianna is an avid pug enthusiast and enjoys following pugs (both on Instagram and on the streets). Not surprisingly, her favorite Orchesis moment was when her cast gave her a stuffed pug that played a section of music from her Fall 2019 piece, “Kill the Lights.”
Elena Gadekar is a junior at Columbia College studying Neuroscience and Behavior with her eyes set on a doctorate in physical therapy. When Elena is not working for Orchesis as archivist, she is probably overseeing NuDance as their Founding Vice President or training at Grassroots Fitness Project. Elena finds it ironic that she's from California but allergic to avocados. Like is that even allowed?
Elena's only claim to fame is being on Dance Moms Season 6 Episode 21, at which point she realized the whole show is a lie. If you would like to grab coffee with Elena make sure it's in her google calendar, because as she says "if it's not on my gcal, i won't be there." Since joining Orchesis her freshman fall, her favorite memory has been dancing in Nadia's "groove army" and she can't wait to groove some more with all her friends.
Costume Coordinator
Claire Johnson is a first-year at Barnard College bravely studying Neuroscience. Besides living up the STEM life, she devotes most of her time to her role as Costumer for Orchesis. As one would assume, her dedication to being the best costumer ever can be quite taxing, so don’t be surprised if you catch Claire napping in peculiar places–the girl needs all the sleep she can get!
While her intelligence and amazing dance abilities precede her, one may not know that Claire once went three weeks without drinking water. Curious to know more? Take her sailing! Or, better yet, offer her Annie’s White Cheddar Mac and Cheese and an assortment of chocolates.
Costume Coordinator
Amanda Klepper is a sophomore in SEAS and also a ray of sunshine disguised as a dancing bean. She brings an element of happiness and humor with her to every rehearsal, which all of her castmates appreciate deeply. When she is not dancing with Orchesis or CU Gen, she enjoys baking vegan treats, making hummus, and canoeing (generally not all at once).
Amanda is one of the newest Orchesis board members, balancing her time between her duties as a costumer and her studies as a Mechanical Engineering student. We love Amanda and all that she is!